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Dec 15, 20234 min read
Writing a believable villain
Villains. We love them. We hate them. We love to hate them. But writing a villain isn't always as easy as it seems. You can't just say...
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Apr 2, 20234 min read
letting your scene breathe
The other day someone reached out to me to ask my advice on how to let a scene breathe, and I decided that was a good topic for a new post!
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Nov 29, 20214 min read
Outlining a new fantasy book
Starting a new fantasy book can be difficult, so here are some tips to help you outline your story.
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Aug 30, 20218 min read
Writing Characters
When you're writing a fantasy book, a good character can make or break it. So, here are some tips to help write a good one!
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Jul 6, 20217 min read
Writer’s block: 13 tips to break through it
Nothing is worse than opening your laptop, or notebook, and staring at that blank page, unable to pen anything down. And after you just...
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